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Online Service Of Remembrance for London Colney Sunday 8th November 2020

The Service of Remembrance this Sunday will be live Streamed for residents to watch from home from 10:50am.
We ask residents not to attend the War Memorial to keep everyone safe and to adhere to Government guidelines.
If residents would like to pay their respects at the War Memorial, we ask you to do this privately after 11:30am.
Watch Live here on Sunday:
Please find the Order of Service below:

London Colney Christmas Light Switch On 2020 Event Cancellation

London Colney Parish Council have taken the difficult decision to cancel the annual Christmas Light Switch On Event, this year due to have been held on Sunday 29th November due to the Covid-19 pandemic government guidelines and concerns of increased cases.

The event attracts crowds of 1500-2000 people to the High Street in London Colney, and under current government guidelines it would not be possible to safely put on the event. Taking into consideration the upfront costs, resources and advance notice to suppliers required to organise the event, even if government guidelines were to change nearer the event, at such short notice we would not be able to safely organise an event on this scale.

The Village will still be lit by a Christmas Tree on Chester Gibbons Green, and festive lighting on the High Street for residents to enjoy.


Awareness of property flood resilience survey

Risk & Policy Analysts and RAB Consultants are carrying out a study for the Environment Agency on resilience to flooding.  The study includes a survey to collect the views and opinions of anyone working or living in Hertfordshire. The survey covers questions such as:

  • Are property owners and occupiers aware of Property Flood Resilience measures?
  • Do property owners and occupiers have any measures installed (e.g. flood doors)?
  • Are there any issues that are hindering owners and occupiers from taking up Property Flood Resilience?

The survey can be accessed via:   and is open until 23 October 2020.

Participation in the survey will help the study gain an understanding of levels of awareness of Property Flood Resilience.  It will also identify potential barriers to its uptake.

The results from the survey will feed into wider work on increasing resilience to flooding.  

Road closures in London Colney

Keep an eye open for road closures signs that are planned on routes around London Colney. The affected roads are the High Street, Floral Drive, Haseldine Road, Wellington Road and Alexander Road. The order is from 16 November for 18 months and signs will be displayed on the affected routes before the works start.

Memorial Benches and Trees

The Parish Council recognises the wish for memorial plaques in public spaces.  We will consider requests on an individual basis and agree with the applicant, the best location for their memorial to their loved one.

Our green spaces are enjoyed by a wide range of residents and visitors. The memorial plaque and tree application process is managed and regulated for the benefit of all.


We have a policy which has been produced with the following guiding principles:

  • To be respectful and sympathetic to those seeking to install a memorial
  • To ensure the recreational use of open spaces is not compromised and ensure the quality of their appearance is maintained

You can down the policy here Memorial Policy 2020 and an application can be found here Memorial Application Form 2020

London Colney Firework Display 2020 – Cancelled

London Colney Parish Council has taken the difficult decision to cancel the Firework Display, held annually in London Colney.

The firework display attracts crowds of nearly 5000 people to Morris Way Playing Fields in London Colney.  Under current government guidelines, it would not be possible to safely put on the event. Taking into consideration the upfront costs, resources and advance notice to suppliers required to organise the event we would not be able to safely organise an event on this scale, even if government guidelines were to change nearer the event, at such short notice

Cllr Katherine Gardner, Chairman of London Colney Parish Council said, “I am very disappointed that this decision has had to be made as I think the fireworks are our flagship event, which brings much enjoyment to our residents in London Colney.  That said, I do think it’s the right decision given the current circumstances and now onwards and upwards to next year.”

For further information, please contact 01727 821314

Traffic Diversions – High Street July 2020

NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of High Street, London Colney from its junction with White Horse Lane south eastwards to its junction with Jubilee Avenue (“the Road”), a distance of approximately 86 metres, except for access.

An alternative route will be via High Street, Kings Road, B5378 Shenley Lane, St Annes Road and High Street.

The Order is needed because sewer cleaning works are proposed to be executed on or near the Road.

First virtual meeting for the parish council

Since the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions on meeting with people who are not in your household, the parish council hasn’t held a meeting since 23 March 2020.  New regulations passed by Parliament in April 2020, allows for council meetings to be held virtually, provided that members of the public are able to access them.  Our first parish council meeting was held last night, Wednesday 10 June 2020 and after a few teething issues, all the business was transacted in just over an hour.  Full details of all meetings can be found on our website by using the calendar on the home page