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Parish Council Committees & Membership

At the Annual Council Meeting, held on 15 May 2024,  the following positions and membership of committees/working parties was agreed:.

Chairman: Cllr Tony Lillico

Vice Chairman:  Cllr Rob Prowse 

The following list details membership of Committees.

  • Environment and Neighbourhood Committee
    Cllrs L Winstone, (Chairman), Loud, Mugele and Needham
  • Events and Community Committee
    Cllrs Hopcroft (Chairman), Mugele, D Winstone and L Winstone
  • Finance & General Purposes Committee
    Cllrs Needham, Hopcroft, Loud and Thoree 
  • Human Resources Committee
    Cllrs Mugele (Chairman), Hopcroft Needham and L Winstone 
  • Planning Committee
  • Cllrs Needham, Hopcroft, Loud, Mugele, L Winstone and D Winstone 
  • Neighbourhood Plan  & Rights of Way Working Party
  • Cllrs Loud, L Winstone, Mugele and Lillico
  • Building Startegy Working Party
  • Cllrs Prowse, D Winstone, Thoree and Hopcroft

Representatives on Outside Bodies:

The Base:  Cllr L Winstone 

St Albans District Association of Local Councils:  Cllr Rob Prowse 

Tarmac Liaison  Group:  Cllr Keith Loud 

The Chair and Vice Chair are ex officio members of all committees, with voting rights.